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Modifying Whoosh to route tracks' audio output directly into it (Reaper)

Writer's picture: Carlye NyteCarlye Nyte

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

This is a method for editing your Whoosh ensemble in Reaktor so that instead of loading samples into the plugin, you send a direct feed of audio from tracks in your DAW. This method allows for much more flexible and quick iteration so you can better focus on design rather than setup!

First, load up Reaktor on a track. It's important in this first step that you add the Reaktor FX plugin, not the VSTi. (If your FX VST isn't showing up, try clearing cache and re-scanning your plugins).

Now load up your Whoosh ensemble and hit the Edit button to the top left. We're going to reroute the plugin and send inputs straight to the doppler and bypass Whoosh's built-in Source. Select Whoosh slightly under Edit. Right-click the node labeled Source+Mix and select Structure. This will take you to the first node we need to edit.

Once there, right-click on the graph and select Built-In Module>Terminal>In Port.

Create 8 of these. You can right-click "duplicate" to speed the process along. Once done, right click on the nodes you've just created and select Select Port and set them to 1-8. Drag from these new pins onto the inputs for the Mix node like in the image below.

Once you've done that, go back out to Whoosh.

Create 8 new In ports and set their properties to 1-8, just like the previous step.

Then connect them to the Ins that have now populated on the Source+Mix node.

At this point you'll want to save a new ensemble (hit the Host button to Save As, not the save icon!), this way you can use Whoosh the normal way if you load the default ensemble, but you'll also have this ensemble when you specifically want to use this technique.

These next steps are specific to Reaper, though I'm sure the same can be done in other DAWs.

Set up the inputs for the track with your new franken-Whoosh on it.

Click on the Plug-in pin connecter and add 6 new inputs, then deselect the outputs so there's only 1 and 2 (for stereo output). Your pins should look like the image below:

Now set up your tracks that will be inputting into Whoosh. Add four tracks childed under the Whoosh FX track and change their output.

Source 1 outputs 1-2, Source 2 outputs 3-4, Source 3 outputs 5-6, Source 4 outputs 7-8. These four tracks are where you put your samples. Also set your Whoosh FX track to record Output>Stereo so you can print the output.

You will also want to create a parent track above the Whoosh FX track and make sure its output is set to 1-2. This prevents the Source tracks from passing through if your Master Track is set to have an output that is greater than 1-2. I had to do this step because I frequently work with 4 outputs.

Save this as a track template so you don't have to set it all up again! I've saved the template to a key command that I've mapped to my Streamdeck so I can instantiate all of this with a quick button press.

Here's how my tracks look:

Now you're all ready to plop some samples in your source tracks and get to Whooshing! This method does require you to be playing back in the DAW for the samples to get fed into Whoosh. Aside from that one small con, the ease with which you can edit, swap out, and put FX on these samples tracks is so great! Here's a video demonstration:

1 Comment

Jul 10, 2024

This is just... this is just wonderful. 😀

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